Let’s Talk About Sex and UFOs: The point of everything, everywhere, all the time

What Tucker Carlson said about UFOs being more spiritual than physical has caused a lot of discussion recently.  Elon Musk took notice and even added to the debate.  But I think when people think of UFOs and life on other planets and our interactions with all these things, we assume all the rules of conduct are applied to our observable universe without considering the still-revealing worlds of quantum mechanics.  A lot is happening in particle sciences with quarks, gluons, muons, and neutrinos.  Every second trillions of these hyper crazy neutrinos are passing through our bodies, and through the earth so fast that they act like the atoms that make up our material world, aren’t even there.  And all these quantum particles point to the very real issue of dark matter and dark energy, “dark” because we can’t see it with our visible light spectrum, yet it makes up most of the matter of our known universe.  So, things get out of control quickly with new information once you ask these questions.  Then, concerning all that, time dilation is very real, where folds of time actually wrap over themselves and behave differently relative to the application of gravity, the mass of a planet, and its position relative to us.  When you have moments of déjà vu, it’s likely attributed to this condition of dark matter folding over on itself with a physical reality that has already taken place but is observed at a different time because of all these attributes we are uncovering in particle sciences.  And, of course, as we go ghost hunting and record paranormal phenomena, we may actually communicate with ghosts who try to interact with us and talk back.  We have assumed that these are characters of the afterlife in a kind of linear format.  But logically, they would trace back more logically to the type of information we are constantly interacting with within dark matter, where the true location of what we call Heaven likely resides.  It is all around us, but men do not see it.

I say all that because of the need to understand these things where science is taking us.  Many of the religions of the world are likely our interpretations of interacting with many characters from paranormal phenomena.  In the Bible, prophets were constantly in a relationship with God who had a lot of concerns about what was going on in our world, even if he could only manifest in a puff of smoke over the gold wings of the Ark of the Covenant under certain conditions of blood sacrifices poured out over the lid with incense burning in the background.  Many of the events of the Bible and other religions could directly be attributed to quantum mechanics and the many lifeforms we are just learning to manage through our interactions with dark matter.  Some of these lifeforms could be massively bigger than us for which we are but a neutrino passing through them trillions of times every second, or much, much smaller, where the contents of an entire universe could be contained in every neutrino, that to our perception is smaller, and faster than anything known in the universe, probably breaking the speed of light by their very nature.  But what is the speed of light if time can actually be warped through dark matter?  So thoughts, feelings, and even politics based on these interactions would have a massive influence over our lives and the future of the known universe, in ways that nothing in science fiction has ever quite figured out.  Perhaps Frank Herbert from the Dune books was dancing with the truth in all its massive assumptions.  But probably, he was just pecking on the surface.

To understand some of these things, I think sex is the best measure.  A nice, attractive couple goes out on a date, cleans up their car, wears nice clothes, and puts on perfumes for dinner, where the food is prepared immaculately.  The wine is poured and consumed with sophistication and small talk to get the couple at ease with each other.  At the end of the night, there is a decision as to whether the couple wants to get into a state of undress and enjoy the human attributes of sex and the good feelings that come with it.  But all along were the sperm and eggs within the man and woman who are waiting in the multitudes to be injected into a situation to meet each other, and they observe the scale of all these things passively without having any fundamental understanding of why things are happening.  The purpose of it all is to inspire human beings to have sex and to make a baby that repopulates the earth.  Who designed that programming? That is the constant thought of religion, but science must increasingly be applied.  That is a lot of effort to make it possible to have a baby.  Most of the sperm that has ever been created, and most eggs in a woman, will never see a real opportunity to fulfill the meaning of their entire existence.  So they will interact with the mating rituals of procreation, the dinner, the dancing, the food, the smells, but will likely never meet an egg to fertilize and produce a child.  Yet, that is the entire purpose of the practice: to get a man and a woman filled with cells and all kinds of biological information to get together and exchange bodily fluid so life could be produced. 

When we look around our world and consider our political options, we are like the sperm looking to do our life’s work but with limited access to the big picture.  We know our impulse to act, and the conditions of our lives may be up to random circumstances well beyond our comprehension.  Yet those activities may have complete control over whether our life fulfillment achieves what it was designed for, whatever that is.  When we interact with and observe quarks, gluons, muons, and neutrinos, we see elements from the big picture without understanding them.  But we will, and I would argue that the purpose of the human imagination is to pull all these elements together for the benefit of everything.  Our thoughts don’t have to reside in our minds but are likely permeating everywhere in the universe’s dark matter on a grand scale.  What we tune into with our individual lives is but a radio of a constant broadcast that occurs over many lifetimes and people who arise to witness it.  But the purpose of the whole thing could be said to be like sex, with all the dating rituals that go on, all the small talk, to get to an opportunity to inject sperm into a woman to fertilize an egg released at just the right time and place that one out of many thousands will have a chance to fulfill its reason for creation.  And what is the meaning of that creation, a baby that has to spend 18 years growing into an adult, only to do the same thing all over again with different participants?  So when we talk about UFOs and paranormal activity, we need to understand that all those neutrinos passing through us have life and concerns contained within them that have information directly connected to the other side of the universe by the trillions.  They impact how we think, what evil or good might occur, and what creative concepts our minds might develop.  But in truth, we have much more to learn about the nature of these things. And it is likely the point of our imaginations to give birth to something new, which the universe is trying to achieve through us, and is likely the point to all life, everywhere, all the time.

Rich Hoffman

Click Here to Protect Yourself with Second Call Defense https://www.secondcalldefense.org/?affiliate=20707

The Benefits of Trophy Wives: How women really make the best economy possible

Communism has been presented to us in many forms and in ways that many never suspected.  However, the perpetrators have been caught in how they structured stories for COVID-19, election fraud, and many legal cases against President Trump.  In the desperation to keep Trump out of political office, all the old games have been utilized, and outright communists and their wealthy donors have revealed the game plan.  And how assumptions flow through society as values, such as feminism, racism, or wealth distribution.  And how people find themselves followers of some communist political movement without ever realizing it until it is too late.  Specific to our topic here, what is the real essence of hatred for President Trump and his lifestyle?  I have pointed this out before, but perhaps not in the required detail, especially now.  And much of it traces back to Melania Trump, the President’s supermodel wife.  She represents an aspect of capitalism that the enemies of the world want to destroy.  The counter to communism’s basic premise of “equality.”  How can you have an equal society of beautiful women marrying men just over their money?  To obtain such beautiful women and show that you are better and more hard working, men generate a lot of financial wealth as job creators to access such women.  The criticism of the classic trophy wife is that it’s shallow for a woman to marry a man for his money and power.  People should marry over “love” and friendship, and men should cry and let their spouses feel their emotions as a soothing venture.  Trump doesn’t cry; he doesn’t seek comfort in the bosom of his woman.  He audaciously pursued wealth to access the most beautiful women in the world, and he married one, and now she has the opportunity to be the First Lady of America again.  To the communists of the world, this has been a massive problem because that was an attribute of human society that they have been trying to erase. 

I was in Japan recently with some friends, and our host told one of our young and single members at dinner that he needed to find a nice Japanese girl and marry her.  In Japan, even though they have gone through the motions of letting women work with men in the workplace, traditional marriages to traditional Japanese women who devote much of their lives to sustaining their husbands’ happiness are treasured.  And still, around much of the world, arranged marriages to unite family powers and political associations are very much at the core of their society structure.  Arranged marriages are expected and encouraged from the Near East to the Far East, such as Japan.  People don’t marry over love and personal fulfillment of choice.  They do so to align with rigid social structures.  And upon considering that and meeting several Japanese women who were working very hard to be good wives to their Japanese husbands, this trouble about feminism in the United States becomes grotesquely apparent.  The concept that men and women should marry over issues of equality and that the man should do the dishes and share in all Mr. Mom’s duties has its roots in communism, as a way to attack the economic engine of America and replace it with the destruction of the family and the relationships between men and women.  And it wasn’t an “organic” movement that just happened; it was created to destroy our culture.  And you don’t notice that until you travel to other countries untouched by such parasitic utterances.  Traditional marriages are still valued in Japan.  But because they are collectivist-based, they don’t emphasize beauty as the measure of a good wife, but in her domestic skills.  As is generally agreed upon there, an overtly attractive wife is not put on a pedestal like in the United States because there, they don’t value individual input but absorption into the net of society as a contributor. 

But still, in America and under a capitalist system, women are free to marry anybody they want, and pretty women have power that women not so pretty don’t have, to find a man of great wealth and to use her looks to buy her way into a comfortable life where money comes easily.  Women who are not so attractive have to settle for what gets left over, and that may not seem fair, but it has produced one of the best economies the world has ever seen.  Which then lifts all boats in the process.  Compared to other places in the world, the wealth created by the American economy allows most people to have a much better life, especially people who aren’t very good-looking.  In President Trump’s case, he worked hard to make a lot of money and have all the best cars, homes, golf courses, and attire so that he could have access to the best-looking women.  And attractive women know that if they have good looks, they can avoid marrying some dope-smoking loser who is too lazy to get out of bed.  We all see as a crisis the poor young woman who was pretty in her youth but listened to society and married some slug for “love.”  Only to find out that love doesn’t pay many bills or earn you respect when you walk into a room with your spouse, which everyone hates because they are of poor quality, and everyone knows it. 

The communist idea of not being shallow and marrying people just because they are wealthy is one of the first things that was attempted in the United States to erode the powerful economic engine of capitalism.  To the Marxists, it wasn’t fair that some ugly, comb-over man could marry such beautiful women just by working harder than everyone else.  However, many jobs were created in that process, and society improved significantly based on that one premise.  A hard working man wants to marry and produce children with the most attractive woman he can get.  So he works hard to do so, and in the wake of all that activity, a massive GDP is produced that communist countries can’t compete against.  So, of course, if your goal was global communism, you would have to put a stop to this mating ritual between ugly, hard-working men and the supermodel wives who would not feel guilty at all being the trophy wives and give their husbands all that he was looking for in a mate, respect, domestic tranquility, and a club to beat over the head of all his rivals in social occasions by having such a woman on his arm to remind everyone how much better he is over his peers.  And in a capitalist society, you want that.  You want competition.  You don’t wish for sameness as communists do.  Not everyone can be a trophy wife or a man who can afford one.  However, everyone benefits from the results of such an exchange in terms of better economic activity.  And that is why there is so much hatred toward Trump and his wife, Melania.   She is a nice housewife who is a supermodel and is not embarrassed that she is a trophy of a man who worked his butt off to have a woman like her on his arm when he wants her.  In a world full of arranged marriages for social alignments, the premise in America works great for values over economy and freedom.  A woman has the right and ability to marry anybody she wants to.  And attractive women can significantly elevate their lives if they can use their looks to get a powerful, wealthy man.  This gives the man a reason to work harder and be better than everyone else.  And that is the trait in America that the communists have been attacking.  And how so many people have been suckered into destroying their civilization over the simple premise of fairness that the rest of the world has been choking on since the dawn of the very first city-state. 

Rich Hoffman

Click Here to Protect Yourself with Second Call Defense https://www.secondcalldefense.org/?affiliate=20707

Getting Out of Bed to Fight for Your Country: Most people don’t have the guts to be President Trump

There are a lot of sunshine patriots out there who will fly the American flag over the Fourth of July and cook their hot dogs on a grill. But when it comes time to do any kind of heavy lifting and to stand for something, they are nowhere to be found. Most people bootlick their way through life, and they will do so to make the most money possible while doing as little work as they can. And when times are tough, they hide under their covers and turn off the alarm clock until the danger is averted. The world is full of such people. And it is because of them that there is so much evil in the world, empowered and doing what they are doing to destroy the world. I have been warning about these things for most of my life and as people ask me about some of the chapters in my book of life and wonder about all the carnage and hurt feelings, it points back to this essential issue. When times were tough, who got out of bed and did something about it. And one thing I can say, with all the violence and debate, I did not turn off the alarm clock and go back to bed while it was storming outside. I got up, went to where the trouble was, and did what needed to be done. When I fly an American flag, I do so knowing that I have done all I could to make it proud, because the fights to have the right to fly that flag are always under threat by hostile enemies foreign and domestic. It would have been easy to just do like everyone else, take a nice vacation, go to fancy dinners, and play golf without ever talking about anything too serious. But that would never be enough for me, because there was always a lot of work to do, and America needs as many people doing it as possible.

And I saw in Trump many years ago, 2012 to 2014 a person who had achieved a certain place in life where he wanted to do the work that it takes to keep America alive and well. I would point out even back then that Obama was a socialist, and that his birth certificate had major problems and that he probably was not qualified to be president. Which at that time sounded crazy. I remember what I was doing on 9/11 when terrorists attacked the symbol of American capitalism, the World Trade Center. I sent my wife to pick up my kids from school as everyone around me was as floored as everyone across the country and our skies stopped having air traffic for a couple of days. But I never believed the narrative, what made those terrorists think they could get away with it. Globalists looking to topple America are always involved, and they are sloppier these days than back then when people still had some trust in authority figures. 9/11 was a provoked terrorist attack meant to expand government and to give the FBI, and the CIA more authority, which they have obviously abused. And it all happened right under our nose, while people went about their lives worrying about being too controversial, because they might become social outcasts. But out of all that came a few people here and there, like President Trump, who were able to do something to help the flag, so he started thinking of running for president and he was visiting Tea Party groups to build up his brand in that direction.  And I was a supporter, because I knew what kind of work really needed to be done in America, and most people were not willing to do it.

When history looks back on this time, it will remember all the sunshine patriots who sat on their hands and never engaged the enemy, which empowered that enemy to the levels of menace that we are seeing now. Their neighbors might think they are swell people. At the local wine tasting where everyone is talking about sending their children to college so they can learn about Karl Marx, essentially, people might complement the high heels of an attractive woman, but talk behind her back at all the men she is sleeping with, while an American flag flies outside looking for someone to defend it from the tyranny of a jealous world.  But it will also remember that it took 12 years of Trump to return our country back to all those worthless people who should be more grateful than they are. Everyone will be grateful in hindsight even though they did extraordinarily little to help along the way, including most of the current Republican Party. They talk tough, but when it comes time to go out into the rain to engage the enemy, they stay where it is safe, and let others do that. The very few others. Trump is one of them. Thank goodness he won that first term in 2016. And in many ways, what happened in 2020 had to happen because people needed to see just how bad this current government of criminals really was. How deep the rot really extended. They did not believe me when I told them in the 1990s, then the 2000s. And of course, in 2020. But now, because Trump was essentially a president in exile in Mar-a-Lago, and all these horrendously bad people have come after him to destroy him, do people finally see the danger. 

It was always going to take three terms of a presidency fully committed to the preservation of American life to do the job. And Trump seemed poised to do that job going back to the Reform Party. I am not new at this. I remember talking to Ross Perot’s family in the parking lot of their Texas company on the eve of the 1992 election about all this. And most people just would not get out of bed, they wanted to stay asleep. I did all I could, including being in that parking lot with the Perot family in Texas, and 19% of America knew something had to be done and supported Ross Perot anyway. That number has grown over the years to around 38% who would stand by Trump no matter what, because they get it. They are out of bed with the alarm clock off. And I think now, because of these previous two terms of Trump, one official, one in exile, that a third Trump term will put that number closer to 60% of America will finally get out of bed and do the work of patriotism that is required. And as bad as it is for Trump, he has inspired others to finally get out of bed and to fight for our flag. Sometimes it takes a person like President Trump, or a Ross Perot, people who have achieved a certain level of success in life to turn away from polite society, roll up their sleeves, and fight for their country in ways that very few have the courage to do, because they are too busy trying to build a life for themselves to get to some level of independence.  I know what it has cost me, and many people just will not do it, because they do not have the stomach for it. But that did not take away the requirements of the job. It will take three Trump terms to start to fix our country from the hostile communists who have been attacking it for most of the last one hundred years. And it will take another decade or two to implement patriotic policies to restore America to greatness. But we are seeing that process play out now, and thank goodness for people like President Trump, and an exceedingly small group around him who are doing the right things for all the right reasons. I have a lot of respect for them because I know how hard it is. And everyone should appreciate the effort for many thousands of years to come, because it was necessary.

Rich Hoffman

Click Here to Protect Yourself with Second Call Defense https://www.secondcalldefense.org/?affiliate=20707

“Fat Boy” Bragg and his Communists in New York: Attacking Trump as a symbol of capitalism as terrorists have been doing since 9/11

At least finally, people are starting to talk about the Alvin Bragg case in New York against Trump, along with the Letitia James case and the Fani Willis case in Georgia for what they are: Marxist insurgencies against our system of government meant to topple us just as communists have all over the world.  I’ve been warning people about this trend for several decades and finally, people see what is happening and understand it for what it is.  These are communists; Fat Boy Alvin Bragg in New York shows clearly how the Marxist movement moved into minority communities and recruited people like Bragg to their cause of the overthrow of America.  We’re not talking about a thinly veiled disguise such as what the 1619 Project was and how most sizable corporations became spokespeople for Marxism willingly.  Now we are getting down to the nitty-gritty; there are no attempts to hide what they are.  They don’t care if they shatter legal precedent or wreck people’s trust in our judicial system.  They are going all in, and they don’t care what damage it might do to the country because they intend to destroy it, as planned from the beginning.  And this abuse of power in New York, especially in trying to stick President Trump with a bunch of phony charges just to keep him off the campaign for president because they have no other option, is just showing people that what I have been warning about, is very much a grim reality.  People never wanted to believe that it was possible, but here it is, in all its communist accessories.  There is nothing legitimate in these cases against Trump. In the end, they will only make people more persistent in voting for him because what is on display is proof that we have an out-of-control, abusive government. They have no intention of working within the American system of government but to destroy it.

Fat Boy Bragg deserves no respect; he’s an assassin of hatred that communists have toward capitalist endeavors, and Trump is the perfect spokesman for that anger in that he is the pedestal of capitalism exhibited by American culture.  With his giant towers, supermodel wife, and full bank account, Trump is everything that the communists hate, and to express those sentiments, they are showing their playbook, essentially because they have no other move.  It’s now or never for them.  They have been hiding in the background trying to fit into society behind a mask of racism to conceal their movements.  And they have moved into these district attorney positions, as well as attorney general efforts using skin color to gain sympathy, and once they obtained that power, they were then free to abuse it.  The race riots in America never just happened; they were provoked as communist revolutions around the world have been for most of the previous century.  This was never about slavery, which Democrats were in favor of, and Republicans abolished to free people of color.  This was always about abuse, attack, and military effort.  While loser politicians were making arguments about defending America with a more robust military, they were also allowing these Marxists access to the halls of government, sponsored mainly by George Soros money and other “progressive” activists, into attacking America indirectly, culturally, and economically.  “You keep the tanks, planes, and troops,” they were saying, “we’ll take the college campuses, the Bar Association, and your corporate boards through BlackRock, and we’ll change your culture from the inside out.  No need to conquer you with military force.  We’ll do it through culture.”  And the proof of all that is what Fat Boy Bragg is doing in New York, trying to prosecute Trump for issues involving Stormy Daniels, the porn star, which has already been dealt with beyond the statute of limitations.  People voted for President Trump anyway, and the matter has been settled.

Alvin “Fat Boy” Bragg has been concerned with using the court’s power to target political rivals, which has been going on in every communist country over the last century, so it’s not a surprise in and of itself.  The only surprise is that people assumed that America was free, and everyone looked to the Constitution as their guiding legal foundation.  Of course, these communists want to overthrow those traditions just as they have with race by hiding their actual efforts behind what they show the public.  In this Fat Boy case, Bragg is pretending to use the rule of law to destroy the concept of law and order and erode people’s trust as a gradual outcome.  In the short run, these court proceedings are intended to tie Trump up in court and waste his time, hoping to stick him with criminal proceedings and harm him to the public.  But people see what’s going on, finally.  Any benefit of the doubt that people had been willing to give to efforts like Black Lives Matters is gone now.  The attempts not to be called “racist” by accepting radicalized communists from minority community sleeper cells are no longer on the table.  People have strong opinions about what they see happening, which will carry over into all future elections.  I see a spell being broken for good resulting from all this because the communists have overplayed their hands.  They have gone too far against the American people. 

Of course, the danger always looming in the background is about our elections. Do we have free and fair elections that people can trust?  Going back to the days of the Black Panthers trying to intimidate voters at the polling places in minority neighborhoods to put their communists in power, they are now showing the results people were worried about.  And yes, you can bet your ass, Alvin Braggs “fat ass,” that these same people rigged the 2020 election to keep Trump out of the White House.  Of course, they stole the election under the cover of Covid.  And now, without a global pandemic set loose by the World Health Organization globally, these regional communists fighting for power and control of the American legal system have to turn to another form of election interference.  And that is all Fat Boy’s case in New York is about.  However, since Trump has shown that he is willing to take these losers on directly, it is forcing them to overplay their hand and force strong emotions on the American public, who they know voted for President Trump and will do it again.  It is the best and least violent way that Americans can retake their country away from these radical communists who have embedded themselves at all levels of our government.  Now that we know, and people are willing to admit to the problem since they can see it for themselves, the rule they have had over us is ending.  It might be scary to people who don’t want to admit such truths.  But now that we can see it on such a grand display, people are angry.  They have been suffering needlessly as their financial means have been eroded, the pride in their country destroyed.  And now we have watched rigged elections in America give us the same kind of communist results that have been seen in China, Russia, and Venezuela.  And for the communists, if they can take down a symbol of capitalism in America, like President Trump, then they would have done as the terrorists of the Twin Towers wanted to do with 9/11.  They always wanted to topple capitalism and our way of life and give us communism in all the vile facades that they could ever hope to utilize.  The Alvin “Fat Boy” Bragg case in New York is all about that, and nothing more.

Rich Hoffman

Click Here to Protect Yourself with Second Call Defense https://www.secondcalldefense.org/?affiliate=20707

The Trouble with ‘Visibility Filtering’: If Twitter wants better ad revenue under “X,” it could do much better by removing that practice

A term called “visibility filtering” goes on all over the internet, and I am specifically a target of it.  That is probably more than most of anybody out there, even celebrity pundits.  There are people online with millions of followers, and the talk has been that many of them are bots or purchased in some way.  Every day, I get offers from online tech helpers to help me expand my followers and visibility.  The trick to the sauce on these helpers is that they know when a name or account has been weighed down with “visibility filters.”  And for a price, they can remove some of the causes of that filtering and expand your online visibility.  For a long time, this practice has been called “shadow banning,” and is what the intelligence agencies were doing to people they thought were provocateurs.  The reason I have been a specific target, and this goes back well over ten years to the early days of the Tea Party, is that I am very dangerous because the manipulators aren’t sure how to deal with me.  So, they might shadow-ban an online account and eventually ban them, such as what happened on Twitter to people like Alex Jones and President Trump.  They aren’t sure what to do with people who aren’t so overt with the rules and are not motivated by the sense of popularity, socially, for which they control.  When Elon Musk bought Twitter, a central problem he had to deal with was the practice of visibility filtering.  He could claim that Twitter, now “X,” was a free speech platform, so people like me weren’t banned by the content they exhibited.  But they could put serious visibility filters on a person so that nothing they produced would go viral and reach tens of millions of people.  They might allow the content to be on their platform, but they weren’t obligated to help make it visible to anybody who didn’t come to find it shoved over in the corner where they hope nobody will see it. 

This is largely a liability thing, with Elon Musk, Twitter has been better.  But once the word is out on a person, like me, then everything they are involved in gets tagged with visibility filtering.  I’ve told people for years that this was the case with me.  While my blog gets millions of hits per month, I can see the activity on my administrator side, so I have known what’s been going on for a long time.  But interaction with me or my content has been very frustrating to all but those who deliberately seek out what I produce.  You indeed won’t find it on a Google top search if it’s the only thing made with the keywords specified.  The internet was never free and built to control the human population.  Not to free it with the intentions of free speech and open elections.  The intent of the internet was the other way around.  Most of the world is a socialist or communist hell hole, and the internet has been perfect propaganda for their political movement; it has been the menace of globalists for sure, especially those acting as domestic enemies within the United States.  But my motivations don’t fit nicely on their profile sheet, so they don’t know what to do with me.  So my name, associated with anything Rich Hoffman, “overmanwarrior,” or gunfighter, has a lot of visibility filtering on it to frustrate people from finding my content.  Even with all the restrictions, it is still worth doing what I do because a lot of people do see the material, and it provides context to what they would otherwise observe in mass media. 

I have the same problem with Truth Social and Gettr as with YouTube and Twitter.  I have been completely removed from Truth Social at least five times as editors on their server have been alarmed by my content and removed me for liability reasons.  Elon Musk is challenged with the same legal premise.  How do you provide free speech to just anybody?  What is the social media’s responsibility to constitutional concepts when dealing with a global exchange of ideas?  To avoid these complicated legal parameters, the safest thing for them is to reduce visibility and provide free speech but do everything they can to ensure that nobody sees it except those who seek the information out deliberately through that user profile.  You can see the evidence of this by looking at my YouTube account, which I hardly ever use anymore.  I have videos on there that have been up for over ten years with less than 100 views on them.  While the same type of content put up on my Rumble account has that many views in just a few hours.  Twitter has been really bad about it.  And Elon Musk has been happy to extend that criteria under the advice of the lefty lawyers that are part of all law firms these days.  However, he has been torn about the practice and has supported characters like Tucker Carlson and Alex Jones.  However, they are known celebrity commentators who have a free speech parameter that stays within the intelligence agency safe zones.  What they say might be dangerous, but it falls within the controls of the specified groups that can be monitored more easily by the FBI and CIA.  My stuff often goes many steps further and is just too controversial to roam free all over the internet.  So, it is visibility filtered heavily. 

Many of these social media platforms were never supposed to be profitable, so these controls are how they operate with content restriction while still being a fly trap for radicalism that the lazy intelligence agencies can monitor from the comfort of their office cubicles and corner offices.  However, Musk bought Twitter to make it a profitable enterprise and quickly converted it to “X” to facilitate an online presence that he had been thinking about for a long time.  And it’s a pretty good idea.  However, like all things free market-driven, the social controls that exist in the background, the “visibility filtering” that has been going on so aggressively, is holding back the ad revenue Musk is seeking.  When woke corporations make up most of the advertising dollars these days because they know the social controls are the driver to visibility, so they all play by the same woke rules; if Elon Musk doesn’t operate “X” the same way that BlackRock is running the boards of all their other companies, then ad revenue can choke out the business model forever for “X” and ownership will continue to be a drag on Musk, forever.  Which is the game that is played and how they get everyone to follow the rules.  But of course, there is a strategy that can make “X” profitable, and I would point to MMA fighting as the model everyone could follow.  The fewer restrictions on a social occurrence, the more people want to see and participate.  If “X” eliminated the practice of “visibility filtering,” more real people would be attracted to its use, breaking the ban from advertisers and forcing everyone into woke criteria.  The advertising would indeed be market-driven based on the need for authentic content.  Not social media editing.  People want to show up to see a fight and enjoy advertising supporting that consumption.  But suppose all the rules are the same woke garbage. In that case, people are indifferent, and advertising is greatly restricted within the funnel of woke social rules and global goals of communist centralized authorities of state media, such as Russia, China, Cuba, and most other places all over the world experience—just some friendly advice.  I don’t care; I’ll do what I do regardless.  But if you want social media to be profitable, get the “visibility filtering” out of the business and watch how quickly things change for the better.

Rich Hoffman

Click Here to Protect Yourself with Second Call Defense https://www.secondcalldefense.org/?affiliate=20707

The Importance of Musk Buying Twitter: A plot caught in time to save America

I wasn’t sure what it all meant then, but when Elon Musk bought Twitter, the anxiety caused was a bit baffling.  I didn’t really know the story. I had a Twitter account, but when they started banning anybody with the kind of Chinese-style censoring standards that should never be possible in America, I simply stopped using them as a news source or for participating with my input.  I could take or leave them, I was not a Twitter fan.  But, they were a private company, and I figured they could do what they wanted to do.  As a consumer, I could decide whether or not to utilize them.  And those were the ground rules.  But to the Deep State globalists and the communists ruling in the background through finance who were essentially using companies like Twitter to capture American minds into conversion from capitalism to communism with the China model in mind, Twitter was much more than a social media platform.  I never knew the whole story of it until I read the latest Walter Isaacson book on Elon Musk, which spent about a tenth of the book talking about just the “Twitter Deal.”  I had a lot of questions as to why Musk would even waste his time with Twitter, and it started as a kind of gag with Musk putting one foot into the political world out of concern that he was dealing with a Biden administration that had shown its teeth to industrialists like him.  If you didn’t do what “they” told you, you would be ripe for a target of destruction. Twitter’s construction was far worse than what people thought it would be, and the deeper Musk stumbled into it, the worse it got. It was too late, and the truth was realized.

I was perfectly happy to move my attention to other social media platforms, especially Truth Social.  And most of my news these days comes from Gettr.  I interact with Gettr most of the business day and over the weekends.  They have great streaming content and much better news offerings than where you could even hope to get on cable news, or network news.  To have the ability to get information straight from President Trump, Truth Social became his official platform, which I have said will turn out to be the most important aspect of the 2024 election.  It has already doubled his wealth at a time when the Deep State ran straight from the captured asset of a White House has been trying to do one of their famous strategies, and that is to drain people of financial resources through the courts so they could destroy Trump and everything he has built over a lifetime because they can’t beat him at a ballot box.  But Twitter was the social media platform of progressives, which turned out to be just a new name given to hide what they really were, Karl Marx communists.  And it didn’t hurt my feelings at all to not think about Twitter in any way.  If they were run by a bunch of Deep State losers from San Francisco, well, they could choke on it as far as I was concerned.  So when Musk talked about buying Twitter, I thought it was a gimmick at best.  But when the writing was on the wall from other competitors, such as Truth Social, the pressure was squeezing out the previous owners of Twitter, mostly in a desire to keep your enemies close kind of way, to control them, until the whole bottom fell out in the courts and the desire to drain Musk with a failing asset became lucrative, and they forced the sale of Twitter to Musk with the same kind of lawfare we have seen applied to Trump and others recently.  And Twitter was a drag, being subsidized by the Deep State; it was not profitable by itself. 

What Musk inherited was a piece of garbage, a workforce built like most of the World Economic Forum companies were poised to do, progressive workforces, gender neutrality, short work weeks, essentially a company run by government subsidies, where people were paid not to work.  This falls in line with the government’s desire to provide people with a “living wage” not based on merit but statistical suppression, where more money was given to the down and out to incentivize them into power and purpose where a merit base society would otherwise reject lousy behavior and choices.  A government that wanted to topple the “American Spirit” obviously wanted to attack this premise aggressively.  And the headquarters in San Francisco was an example of the worst of American companies falling to open communism with a globalist thrust behind it.  Twitter was a company that was being supported as the typical corporation in America.  Because they existed, other companies felt they had to emulate them with ESG standards and EID values, which led to severe economic and social problems.  Twitter was a snakepit full of vipers oozing with venom. This is precisely why Biden’s administration reacted unfavorably when they heard that Musk would be the new owner.  It is an accident on many fronts that the courts, in their short-sighted efforts, wanting to hang a big loser of a company around Musk’s neck, hoping to destroy him in some way because they don’t really understand what real value is and why he’s rich, to begin with.  It’s the standard court model they use with everyone: bankrupt people into compliance or throw them into jail.  There is entirely too much communism in our courts these days, which is yet another designed strategy. 

“X” under Musk is much better than Twitter ever was.  Musk prioritized free speech for several reasons.  He needed free speech to make humanity an off-planet species.  And the governments of the world who want to cripple that effort actually wanted a Jim Jones kind of communist global community where social media platforms served their needs in editing social content, and it made dependents out of employees until they could no longer think for themselves but could only function in a massively progressive environment like Twitter.  That has been the model of all the Larry Fink radicalism from BlackRock and the World Economic Forum gang, which would then force a universal wage rate and complete communism on a global scale because all companies would be equally wrong and subsidized by governments that the World Economic Forum controlled.  It was a pretty sinister plot that unraveled for many reasons, some of which Elon Musk accidentally stumbled into.  But as history will view it, it was a good accident.  One thing that needed to happen was for Elon Musk to influence the direction of free speech worldwide significantly.  I do like “X” under Musk’s ownership.  I am still heavily “shadow-banned” on most internet interactions, which is tied to many bad guys having too much control over the internet.  But control was why the internet was created in the first place.  So, it’s just a new battlefield in the exchange of ideas.  It’s nothing to cry about or declare unfair because it isn’t.  But it’s better under the ownership of Elon Musk, and what was learned in the wake was that the Deep State had control over our society in genuinely maniacal ways that many didn’t realize until Musk bought Twitter and saw what a designed mess it was.  And in that undoing, a lot was saved that will be realized.  But the depth of that mess was genuinely terrifying and lends weight to the argument of divine providence where an unknown future is undoubtedly leaning more toward self-empowerment and anti-communist sentiment globally. 

Rich Hoffman

Click Here to Protect Yourself with Second Call Defense https://www.secondcalldefense.org/?affiliate=20707

Elon Musk and President Trump: Coming over to the right way of thinking

If I were recruiting people in my life who only thought just like me, I would never speak with anybody.  So, I am always open to giving someone a chance to get it right and to come around to the right way of thinking.  Not all people come to the right way of thinking the same, but in a competitive exchange of ideas, some things are revealed that are universal truths.  So, I am always open to people discovering those truths, even if they come from a background where their thinking has steered them down the wrong path.  And that is the case with President Trump.  I wouldn’t have cared to speak one word to him twenty years ago during the height of his Apprentice show on NBC.  Unevolved playboys never interested me.  But people who make fortunes and then want to do good things with those fortunes do.  And that is the trajectory of Elon Musk, one of the world’s wealthiest people, trading back and forth with Jeff Bezos for that title.  But without question, Elon Musk is one of the biggest influencers on planet Earth.  There have always been aspects of his character that I have liked, particularly the kind of guy who would appear on the television show Rick and Morty and be associated with the Babylon Bee podcast.  However, I was not interested in the guy who loved Barack Obama and the idea of climate change and globalism—and managing supply chains in China.  However, I noticed a change in Musk’s political interests about a year into Biden’s first term.  I wouldn’t say I liked how stand-offish Musk was toward Trump during his first term, so I had a lot of questions about Trump and Musk’s relationship, which was put into context in the recent book Elon Musk by Walter Isaacson. 

It’s exciting to see in that book that the author, Walter Isaacson, was uncomfortable with Musk’s relationship with President Trump over the time he covered him.  This book project is a Simon and Schuster New York thing, and they are all part of the Trump-hating group who find the concept of the President as revolting because it’s a serious disruption to their plans for global communism China style.  So, Walter would look for ways to demean Trump in the text, even though Elon Musk has been moving toward Trump over the last several years.  A couple of things happened to Musk by Biden’s administration that set things in motion for which Musk and many others took for granted in the pre-Covid world of Trump successes.  The biggest thing is that Biden had a big event at the White House to celebrate the EV car market, and there simply isn’t any bigger name in the business than Tesla.  So Musk should have been the feature guy.  But Biden made it all about union labor, and Tesla isn’t unionized and has no plans to become so.  So Tesla was cast out of the White House spotlight, which, from then on, changed Musk politically, and he took a hard turn toward defending free speech and conducting a less rules-based society centrally run by big government bureaucracies.  The Elon Musk of the last three years or so is not the same political Elon Musk from the Obama period going into Trump’s administration, and that is consistent with my observations and what I have said about Musk’s political transition.  Like I said, I don’t hold people to previous assumptions.  As people learn things about the way the world works, I expect people to come around toward a big tent party, so it does not surprise me that Musk is now supporting Republicans rather than Democrats, which many of Musk’s friends find apocalyptic, best expressed in that book by Larry David who thought Musk was casting off a responsibility toward Democrats that he played a central role in.

As I have said for years, there is no way to become a human civilization going to space under a communist flag with mixed societies of socialism as part of the process.  The more capitalist space endeavors are, the more successful they will become.  And that is certainly the case with what Musk wants to do with SpaceX and the Starship program.  Math is math; the more accessible society is, the more opportunities there are for the human race to get into space and still support a positive culture on Earth.  The more socialism and communism there are politically in those systems, the more failure is introduced into all the assumptions. And now that everyone has seen what kind of world a third term of Obama looks like, through the inserted President Biden, people have decided that China-style communism is not their thing.  And people like Musk have moved toward the direction of a big tent version of the Republican Party that is fighting for personal freedoms, starting with free speech.  Musk had been supporting softer versions of Republicans like Ron DeSantis, and as I have pointed out, I have been on presentations online where Musk participated in conversations with Vivek Ramaswamy and J.D. Vance.  So Musk has indeed transitioned into a supportive Republican understanding that America will not survive if the global communists get their way.  Now that the game plan is relatively straightforward, these intentions are no longer a “conspiracy theory.”

There was a part of the Elon Musk book where Walter was disturbed by Musk’s father, a Trump supporter who would send messages to his son indicating that Biden didn’t win the last election, which was stolen from Trump.  Walter writes about all this as if Musk’s father, Errol, was “one of those people,” a conspiracy theorist with one foot into insanity.  The emphasis on the many mistakes Errol had made in his life was something that Walter wanted to make prominent, such as having children with his stepdaughter and Elon Musk and his brother being so upset that they refused to have continued relationships with their father.  But there is more to the story; intelligent people can’t ignore the evidence.  You can’t have corrupted software in society and expect everything to run right. The obvious problems with COVID and the 2020 election converted Musk to a less authoritarian government in America. He is now deeply committed to that pursuit, starting with the purchase of Twitter.  However, the definitions of success are the same, even if the means of getting there are varied.  And when people like President Trump are willing to put everything on the line to preserve our culture, and Elon Musk is signing up to be on your side of things, you open the door and let them in.  You open the door for them wisely, not linger on their past mistakes.  Be happy they have seen the light and are now on your team.  Logic dictates that people will discover the truth if only they can access it.  But it’s what happens after they find out it that matters most, and Elon Musk is now a tremendous advocate for a more capitalist society led by the United States and companies that are distinctly American, like Tesla and SpaceX.  And now, with Twitter being converted to Musk’s “X,” there are many opportunities for greatness that weren’t present before.  But they are now, which will impact the growth of the human race in the months and years to come.

Rich Hoffman

Click Here to Protect Yourself with Second Call Defense https://www.secondcalldefense.org/?affiliate=20707

‘Oppenheimer’ was a Horrible Movie about Communist Propaganda: Regarding blacklisting, few people have been as blacklisted as me

I usually say nice things about Christopher Nolan movies.  But his latest film, Oppenheimer, was horrendously terrible.  I was hoping it would be good; I saw that it won many Academy Awards and has been associated with great success, along with the man-hating Barbie movie that came out during the summer of 2023 around the same time.  I have not seen Barbie even though my daughters liked it, and my granddaughter loves that kind of thing.  The politics turned me off from watching it, so I haven’t.  But I might give Oppenheimer a chance because I felt a movie about The Manhattan Project, building a nuclear bomb with Albert Einstein involved, would be pretty good.  It was the bomb that ended World War II, so what could be political about that? It was a movie about another time set on agreed-upon historical understandings.  But as it turned out, it was a massively political film, and it was undoubtedly Christopher Nolan throwing red meat to the radical leftists of Hollywood, which I happen to know quite a bit about from personal experience.  And the theme of the movie was a subject that deserves some ridicule because the whole point of the movie had nothing to do with the actual story, which was about the Manhattan Project, but was all about blacklisting communists and how unfair the practice was.  Something that Hollywood has never gotten over from the McCarthy Hearings, which, looking back on, were essential.  In Oppenheimer, we have the main character, Robert Oppenheimer, who hangs out with radical, crazy communists going well back into the 1930s after he builds the bomb, World War II ended, and America turns on him and wants to throw him out of the limelight as a communist. 

I was on a flight back from Japan when Oppenheimer was offered on the plane.  I looked around at the seats, and quite a few people watched it.  I could only see the images without sound, but it didn’t look like the kind of movie I expected it to be.  And it had, for some reason, sex scenes in it that didn’t make sense regarding the nature of a film like this.  I knew my wife wanted to watch a movie like that with me, so I held off on watching it on that long plane ride.  But once we had an opportunity at home one night, we watched it.  And about halfway through, we looked at each other and admitted that it was a garbage movie with an overt radical leftist message.  No wonder it won so many Academy Awards.  Going back a few years, I have some experience with the Academy of Arts and Sciences in Los Angeles and the L. Ron Hubbard Writers of the Future program.  So, I fully understand how Hollywood has been radical left for many years.  And I think the Joesph McCarthy hearings weren’t communist seeking enough, to run them not just out of our film industry but our country.  Because communists are a severe problem now, in 2024 America.  I almost turned the movie off, but we agreed to finish the stupid film because we had already invested so much time into its three-hour run time.  As it turned out, the entire movie was not about the atomic bomb that killed so many people and ended World War II; it was about how America turned on Oppenheimer because of his communist connections, which led directly to the McCarthy hearings and how unfair it all was. 

Let me say very few people in the world have been as blacklisted as me, especially in Hollywood.  For many years, working in Hollywood was all I wanted to do.  There was no second occupation for me; I wanted to be a film director and producer, and that was it.  Nothing else for about 20 years.  I worked at many different jobs in many industries to pay the bills.  I ended up learning a tremendous amount of just about everything else.  But a few times, especially a specific time in 2008, I was told that if I wanted to work in Hollywood, I would have to drop the cowboy hat, be much less of a Cincinnati conservative, and get with the leftist program.   That’s just how it was, and if I didn’t like it, I could do something else.  So, I did something else and dropped working for Hollywood like a rock.  I was so angry about it all, that I have written every day since then to some dedication to this blog, radio programs, and other forms of media to protest against communists and their infiltration into our country.  I was blacklisted by communists from working in an industry that I loved, so if anybody should be upset about blocklisting, it should be me.  Out of revenge for how I was treated, I used my many other talents to do something else and succeed.  Most of the people working in Hollywood are one-trick ponies.  I can do lots of things, so I did.  But it never occurred to me to cry about it like the communists behind Oppenheimer, which is a movie about communists being mistreated.  That was the entire point of the film. 

As the communists have taken over almost every industry in America, especially every boardroom controlled by BlackRock and the other money managers directly connected to the corrupted Federal Reserve toward communist policies, they infiltrated our country by crying about how unfair we treated them, then they turned around and blacklisted conservatives in every industry.  We’re not supposed to point out that radical leftists, who are all communists under the philosophy of Karl Marx, have complete control of our colleges and education system.  But we’re not supposed to be critical of them as they continue to blacklist all conservatives from everything, and we’re supposed to put up with it.  It is an insane premise.  But what a bunch of wimps.  I have been blacklisted by communists and told to change my lifestyle if I wanted to work in the film industry.  I went in completely the opposite direction, and when people want to know what motivates me, it is this hatred of communists for the blocklisting they directed at me.  I found other things to do; they weren’t going to decide if I was successful or not.  But I have no sympathy for the characters in Oppenheimer or the ridiculous premise proposed by Christopher Nolan.  His movie, and most movies, are completely political, crybaby movies about the unfairness of a practice they openly engage in.  And to be successful in that industry takes more than talent; it takes sucking up to the communists, especially on the finance side.  And that is clearly what Christopher Nolan was doing with this dumb movie Oppenheimer.  We have so many communists in our society because we have been too nice to them; we got pulled into a debate about fairness with them when our attitudes about communism were correct from the start.  And we should have policies against them even now, for which I have dedicated a significant portion of my life fighting against.  And I will continue to.  And if anybody doubted just how deep the communist infiltration of our country truly is, watch the stupid movie Oppenheimer, and you’ll see for yourself. 

Rich Hoffman

Click Here to Protect Yourself with Second Call Defense https://www.secondcalldefense.org/?affiliate=20707

The Fall of the Credentialed Class: People are tired of worthless losers running their lives

I know it’s scary, but I have been telling this story for over four decades. It’s just that people didn’t want to hear it—not that it wasn’t a problem all along.  Communism and Marxism, along with all varieties of socialism, have been running in the background of all institutional society for more than 100 years, so what is happening now is nothing surprising.  It’s new because people assume everyone plays according to the same rules.  But they never were, and that will put us all in a modern form of the American Revolution, which will be fought in our present time.  Which for many people is scary.  But if you love war and conflict, which I happen to, this is the best time to be alive that anybody could imagine.  And the direction in which everything is heading, aside from the usual chicken little conversations about the end of the world, is obvious.  You can see it clearly in the massive failures happening all across society, but it is never more apparent than in the failures of the ”credentialed class.”  Those who could equally purchase social status by participating in progressive society protocols, such as attending college, joining a fraternity, and following the directions of our education system left behind by such socialist pioneers as John Dewey.  While the path to Hell is always paved with good intentions, and yes, the intentions were good, “fairness for all” and all those ridiculous assumptions, Hell is what the path toward a credentialed society has given us.  And now people want their money back.  All the things the communists of the world told us to do, we have found out, do not give us a perfect society.  And people are turning away from it, which is the violent rejection we are seeing now and the hurt feelings of those who have invested their entire lives toward that credentialed society.  There are a lot of regrets, which was inevitable. 

Communism was everywhere leading up to World War II.  Socialists and Marxists from Europe were haughtily flowing their European viewpoints through high society, and our political class, fresh off their years of Western expansion and criticism over how the Indians were treated, were soaking in guilt and wanting to show the rest of the world they could name wines at wine tastings and eat fancy dinners with the best of them, so they came up with this plan for all of American life, to show the world that the United States deserved respect too.  And that we could go to college and function like civilized people all over the earth have been doing.  So we endeavored to adopt many of their methods, which was to create a credentialed society and create classes of people based on that tiered system, and there are still plenty of people who still think this way.  The communist belief was that skills were an unequal way to elevate in society because some people might be better at things than other people, so to correct that situation, they came up with this credentialed system where people could take a class, get a piece of paper, hang it on their wall, then get jobs based on that effort.  That way, people who were losers but paid the money to get a credential in the education system could have access to a job and climb their way into “elite” society.  So, people who weren’t very good at things in life or who didn’t want to work very hard to acquire a skill loved this system.  All they had to do was pay money and get their piece of paper; then, they could live the rest of their days as a respected member of society because they attended some college or another method of achieving credentials. 

There is a lot of talk about corporations being part of so much evil in this New World Order, which is a shame because I like capitalism and all manner of making money.  Unfortunately, corporations are usually run by lazy people with walls full of credentials but not much skill in performing a job.  So their entire lives are filled with trying to hide that embarrassing fact from the world.  So, they have plunged themselves into more and more socialism and communism in their corporate structure and have taken their companies more toward a Chinese model of authoritarian control by default.  I call these types of people bottom feeders, even when they hold high office in an essential position, because fundamentally, everything they are was built on this premise of a credentialed society.  As long as everyone played by the same rules, nobody would find out what phonies these people were.  They can maintain the illusion as long as a credentialed society protects them from actual results.  So this is how it has been for many years, certainly coming out of World War II and the push to adopt a Middle Class and a tiered education class, which is talked about all the time now, because the belief is that if only more people had gone to college, they wouldn’t be voting for President Trump, as uttered by Katie Couric recently in frustration that nothing seems to be stopping the former President and billionaire from returning to office.  The belief all along from the communist left was that their “credentialed society” would protect them from market expectations. 

But people have now admitted that they don’t like this world created by “credentialed society,” and market forces of need are finally catching up.  Kids coming out of high school now are watching what their dumb parents did, and they don’t want any part of that mess. They certainly don’t want the debt that comes with the buy-in to credentialed society.  And they don’t like the kind of people that credentialed society makes.  The world is starving for the good old-fashioned merit-based society where the best and brightest work hard to climb to success, and the results benefit everyone.  However, the key is to unlock hard work through merit to true innovation, which credentialed society is not inspired to utilize.  For them, it was about equality and the ability to buy your way into advanced society and respect.  For the merit-based capitalist system, it was hard work and perseverance.  The equalization model has left everyone but the lazy starving for better options.  So, as we speak, that credentialed society is falling apart.  They are making a lot of noise about it, but in essence, the trend of the world is moving toward skills and hard work, perseverance, and competency.  Much to the anxiety of the communists and lazy losers of the world who thought they could buy their way into social respect.  As that trend falls apart, the screams are loud.  But it doesn’t change the fact that people want quality and effort in their social interactions, not losers who live in a higher social class just because they attended a school and received a “receipt” in the form of a diploma.  As it has turned out, that paper has shown itself worthless.  And the people hanging it on their walls who paid fortunes to get it weren’t any better off than if they hadn’t done anything.  They still didn’t have the skills to be professional because they didn’t have the guts to do the work.  They tried to cheat it by hiding in the credentialed class.  And the world is tired of it. 

Rich Hoffman

Click Here to Protect Yourself with Second Call Defense https://www.secondcalldefense.org/?affiliate=20707

When You Build Something, There Are Always Lazy Losers Who Want to Take It: Lessons from Yellowstone and What it Means for America

I haven’t changed my mind on Yellowstone being run by a bunch of liberal Democrats.  But as I have said, until a few weeks ago, I had never seen a single episode.  However, everywhere I go, including in the park, everyone asks me if I dress as I do as part of the “Yellowstone” look inspired by the show.  Of course, the answer is no.  I have dressed the way I do my entire life, well before Yellowstone came along.  But as I said, I always hear references to that popular Paramount Network show thrown in my direction, so I thought I’d finally check it out with my wife.  We enjoy watching shows on various streaming services, but usually, there isn’t much time for that kind of thing.  We travel a lot, and I’m involved with a lot, so there hasn’t been a window to sit down and watch a show like Yellowstone, which is now in its fifth season.  But now we’re all caught up over the last three weeks, and I can say it’s a good show.  I get what they are trying to say, and a couple of themes crucial to the consciousness of America are emerging here that are certainly worth discussing.  The show itself, as written and produced by the actor, Taylor Sheridan is quite a commentary on the role and value of American life.  One of my big hang-ups was Kevin Costner, who starred in the show.  He has been in many good westerns, but he also supported Liz Chenay over Trump, so he kept my interest away from the show until I knew more about how his role would play out.  But Yellowstone, in every way, is good stuff, excellent entertainment.  And I’m not surprised that America has fallen in love with the show as the best entertainment that is currently available, anywhere. 

A few years ago, as the Biden administration was put in place by corrupt globalists intent on the destruction of America, I went out west with my entire family to get away from it for a while.  We traveled to Yellowstone specifically in our convoy of RVs, which was the trip of a lifetime.  Along those lines, we found ourselves in Cody, Wyoming, on a hot night in the summer of rodeo season.  So we all went out to dinner from our very excellent campsite and went into town to experience an authentic rodeo, and it was one of the best nights I had ever had.  My whole family was there with me to experience it, kids, grandkids, and others and I hated Joe Biden and his kind of people so much that a night in Cody, Wyoming, was just the right thing for me, which was a very American flag waving sort of MAGA patriotism.  Leading up to that rodeo, we had all traveled through South Dakota, to Mt. Rushmore and Deadwood, around the areas where the Sturgis Bike Rally always occurs, so we were having a wonderful time rooted deep in the heart of America and the kind of people who most make sense to me.  Additionally, we spent a few days in Yellowstone Park, seeing all the famous sites worldwide.  We were in the exact areas where the show Yellowstone took place.  So much so that everywhere I went, people asked me if I liked the show because it reminded them of John Dutton, the way I dressed and walked.  I didn’t know who that was.  It turned out to be the Kevin Costner character, which wasn’t something I took as a compliment.  I’ve also had many local people refer to me as Rip because of my role in the community.  I didn’t know what that meant.  But I do now, and I get it.  I understand all the references.  But the whole time we were at Yellowstone, the actual place, and people were deep in the show then; I hadn’t yet watched a single episode.  But now that I have, and having been there for an extended period, I think I have had a unique perspective on the whole movement in America that is going on behind the scenes, starting with that region of the world and this television show that has managed to capture that spirit in a bottle for all to enjoy.

There are a couple of significant takeaways from the Yellowstone shows that are specific to our times as America struggles to define itself in the wake of an apparent communist invasion that has taken over our government and financial system.  The first is that hard work is the way to bring morality to any good culture.  That is the constant theme of the show, where characters faltering on their moral compass find redemption through challenging work, which always tends to fix anything.  That is very much a message I support, and I am dazzled to see that a television show meant for mass audiences has been willing to tackle this critical issue.  They used to make television shows like this; Little House on the Prairie comes to mind.  And that this show is being made now says more than what might be assumed from a popular entertainment option.  It has the same values as that night at the rodeo I talked about in Cody, Wyoming.  Good stuff!

But the second thing, which is the whole background of the entire show, is the nature of human beings themselves.  It also centers around the premise of evil and what causes it, which is that when you work hard to build something, there is always some lazy loser nearby who wants to take it from you.  When you work hard, parasites always want to steal your hard work so they can have the benefits of what you have built, because they are too lazy to obtain it for themselves.  That something could be land, a woman, a new cowboy hat.  It could be anything.  But the core of the discussion is that there will always be those who want to take value from those who do create it.  And that if you really want to have a civil society, you must protect those with government who produce value.  Not to use government to protect and empower the parasites, and that is the essence of everything the Yellowstone show is all about.  If I hadn’t been there myself and thought hard about these things, I don’t know if it would be so clear.  I don’t know that the creators of Yellowstone were conscious of those traits.  I think Taylor Sheridon left Hollywood to learn ranching out in the flyover states and fell in love with the lifestyle I talked about in places like Cody, Wyoming, during rodeo season, which goes on every night during the summer.  He and the cast and crew were talented enough to capture some of that magic into a magnificent show.  But more than that, likely not to their liking, it is the essential political platform for the MAGA movement with Trump at its head.  The anti-communist political party doesn’t want takers with government alliances to steal what we worked hard to build: our families, homes, and lives in every way.  Because that is the essence of life in the West, what made Western expansion necessary and even justified?  And why do the progressives of our day, the renamed communists from the global Marxist movement, want so badly to destroy our view of Western life?  I dress the way I do to spit in the face of those Marxist ideas.  And seeing the rest of the world catching up is enjoyable, which I’m very happy to see. 

One of my daughters is a professional photographer, and she was with me when I bought a new hat at Jackson Hole.  And I was doing a bit of a photoshoot at the west end of the square, a spot sacred to me because it’s where Clint Eastwood finished the fight in one of his movies, Any Which Way You Can.  People watching assumed I was part of some entertainment company the way people were gathered around me, and people kept asking me if I was a stunt double for Kevin Costner’s character in Yellowstone, which, of course, I said no.  I had never seen the show.  However, for the people in Jackson that day, it was more about the spirit of the show they were thinking about, what it meant to America, and why they were even in Jackson Hole.  They saw me with my big cowboy hat purchased right there on the square with its giant 4” brim, and they wanted to meet the characters they saw on that show in real life.  Because they wanted to see an America that wasn’t fiction but something they could believe in.  Based on my experiences in that actual region, and now watching that show with an eye toward its cultural significance, I think we are in for a promising future in America, where the communists are going to be beaten back from their European roots in ways they can’t even imagine, currently.  And Yellowstone, the show, is part of that process by way of art and entertainment, followed by actual social expectations.

Rich Hoffman

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