Production Pictures From Atlas Shrugged Part III: Philosophy to save America

I heard from Harmon Kaslow just prior to the meeting below where David Kelly from the Atlas Society was meeting with the producers of the Atlas Shrugged films to pound out script details established by Duncan Scott.   Harmon told me he had some cool ideas for the Galt’s Garrison which is a group who have rallied behind the Atlas films to bring their contents to the public at large.  Atlas Shrugged is not for everyone, but for those who understand it, the job of the Galt’s Garrison is to get the word out to a hungry public.  It is called a “garrison” because it is literally like fighting a war.  The progressive opposition is well entrenched against the message of Atlas Shrugged so the fight in front of the Garrison is a steep one.  But it’s a fight worth doing never-the-less.   The pictures below are from the Galt’s Garrison taken from this milestone meeting to advance the production of the third, highly anticipated film.

From left to right Pic 1: David Kelley, Joan Carter, Scott DeSapio, Harmon Kaslow, John Aglialoro
From left to right Pic 2: Harmon Kaslow, John Aglialoro, David Kelley, Laurie Rice, Duncan ScottAtlas III script meeting

Atlas III meeting 2To follow more details about Atlas Shrugged Part III you can join me in Galt’s Gulch by CLICKING HERE.  If you’d like to help as a member of the Galt’s Garrison, let us know. 

Rich Hoffman

“If they attack first………..blast em’!”

The Pole Dancing Reporters: Prostituting themselves to the Empire of Public Education

It is truly funny, yet pathetic at the same time to see reporters like the one in the article link below prostitute himself to the local school systems around Cincinnati.  That particular reporter is the education correspondent for the fledgling Cincinnati Enquirer and over the years has made a living building up the levy fighting antics of school reformers in various districts through his articles, then attempting to tear them down in defense of public education where he has served as a lap-dog for many years.  Few people could blame him for prostituting himself in such a way as most perform similar concessions against their personal beliefs in exchange for a paycheck.  A prostitute after all is not always a being who performs sex acts for money; they can be merely one who uses a skill or ability in a way that is considered unworthy, usually for financial gain.  Last year when that same reporter came after me directly in a hit piece he did for The Enquirer, CLICK FOR REVIEW, he thought it would be cute to use an article where he took pictures of me for a piece he did two years prior in an entirely different context, and apply them to a very salacious article he did as a favor to the Lakota School System.  His intentions were quite obvious.  He went for my jugular, and was betting that I’d never recover.

People of little personal value are always asking for more money because they seek riches to prop up their failed personal essence, which is how they become prostitutes to their careers.  When they enter into financial debates involving children they are not qualified to speak because the money they seek is not for the children but a meager attempt to bring value to their lives, whether it be in passing a school levy, building a new school, or hiring a new round of employees.  The people involved in tax increases are almost always trying to fill a personal void in their lives with other people’s money, which makes them prostitutes to the education system.  In this way, reporters behave like prostitutes because they put objective reporting on the shelf and simply offer themselves up as patsies dancing to the education industry–attempting to preserve a failed system with kind words and propaganda.  Check it out for yourself and be sure to watch the video:

Before my relationship with that reporter I had been warned about him from other school reformers like Mark Sennett who was spokesman for No Lakota Levy before I entered into the picture, Arnie Engle in Fairfield and former school board member, Sharon Poe in Mason, Jennifer Miller who was also a school board member, and many, many others.  They had all been screwed over by the antics of that reporter many times in the past and were concerned that I was too close.  I assured them that I had a plan and that when the reporter came to collect, I would change the game in a way that he wasn’t prepared to deal with.

I always felt sorry for reporters who work for newspapers that have taken such a noticeable progressive stance, so for a time I genuinely liked them—even though I knew they were prostituting themselves.  I thought of them similar to the way I might think of a stripper someplace working the poles in a swank gentlemen’s club trying to put herself through college off the tips she gets teasing men with lap dances.  You respect the effort since she’s trying to make money, but you know that she will never be able to live down her actions once she has a family of her own, so you feel bad for her.  Reporters writing for a paper where the school levy supporters only read the box scores to see if their child made the news are in a similar situation.  The overzealous parent often cuts out such box scores and articles so they can build up a notebook portfolio in hopes of proving to college recruiters that their athletic children are worthy of a scholarship, which ends up saving the parent many thousands of dollars.  Those same parents don’t care about education articles so they don’t read them.  The only people who actually read the newspaper are the type of people who typically voted in favor of my positions—people who are 50 and over—mature–and have kids who have grown up and moved out of the house.

Newspapers today make huge mistakes not understanding their demographic base.  When Lakota laid down the gauntlet with reporters as they did through their highly paid public relations staff—where tax money well into the six figures were allocated in attempts to overcome my levy fighting antics, reporters had to make a decision as all prostitutes do when they find themselves stuck between two customers.  They had to choose between me, who only gave them small tips, or the school who basically paid their salary—but expected favors in return.

Readers of The Enquirer wanted to see a fight—one that I was providing to the benefit of The Enquirer.  So the articles against me isolated their audience and the result has been terrible for The Enquirer.  Just last week The Enquirer was forced to cut 1/3 of their workforce—not just because of the situation with myself, but because hundreds of bad decisions added up to a failed business model.  Too many ads in the paper that nobody read, and nobody read because The Enquirer decided to do progressive articles in a conservative town, and it has cost them dearly.  They were so arrogant that they ignored the desires of their subscribers who actually read their articles and instead catered to the idiots who pass school levies and cut the paper up in search of sports stats on their children.

My levy fighting network is larger than ever, so losing contact with The Enquirer has not hurt me at all.  Instead it has freed me in many wonderful ways.  Unfortunately betrayal is usually the result when dealing with those who prostitute themselves to a cause like reporters do in public education.  But that doesn’t prevent me from feeling sorry for reporters whose small byline at the end of their articles look like a prostitute advertising themselves on Craigslist.

I watch out for the interests of families, students and residents in Butler and Warren county schools. Find me at: (This is from the linked article, and is real)

That speaks for itself; there is no shortage of people willing to use the efforts of prostitutes in any form.  That leaves one only to laugh at the attempts since the other emotions are cast against a backdrop of shame.  The sadness comes from the desire for real reporting, and a career that means something, instead of being whatever the customer wants when they want it.  That is what reporters in newspapers are for public education, and the problem is epidemic.  But that is also why newspapers are failing everywhere, and cutting their costs, because they have sided with the wrong portion of the public.  They have allowed themselves to be used and abused and dumped on the side of the road with a few bucks in their pocket and the promise of returned business.  But in the end, they have nothing but shameful deals, and scandalous practices to carry them from one moment to the next in a decline that points to the end of an era where new media will overtake the consolidated antics of reporters who are prostitutes to a system that is corrupt, and collapsing under the weight of sheer cynicism.

Rich Hoffman

“If they attack first………..blast em’!”