Come On a Ride: Herman Cain, Stacy Schuler, and the NEA–fear, terror and Halloween

I love Herman Cain. Now here is a guy who gets it, and his new smoking ad punches through invisible barriers to a double-standard radicalism that is breed into our culture. In fact, it is so deeply ingrained that few people even realize that they have been radicalized or that their daily behavior reflects it.

I’m going to ask you for a moment to sit down as though you were about to get on a ride, because I had the rare privilege of riding the Diamondback in the front seat during the Haunt event at Kings Island. As I stood in line and watched all the zombies, alien creatures and crazed side-walk skidders I pieced together various, seemingly unconnected events that had been nagging me. So make sure you are strapped in securely and come along for the ride. The source of all these seemingly unconnected events is something you won’t like, and will challenge your belief system, and it will all come back around to the station in the end, to the ad above about Herman Cain, Barack Obama, our cultural failures reflected in the Stacy Schuler case and the epic battle between traditional values and progressives. Hold up your hands and enjoy the ride.

I received a call earlier in the day from one of my No Lakota Buddies early while I was in a meeting. Seeing who it was, I took the call. Apparently the Butler County Sheriff caught some kid from Batavia stealing one of our big No Lakota Levy signs from the corner of Liberty Way and Cox. Since we put our signs out last week there has been a barrage of students stealing campaign signs against the levy. This has not just been happening at Lakota, but at Lebanon, and Fairfield in large amounts. Have a look at this link which shows pictures:

While we were dealing with massive sign theft over in Lakota I received several reports, one from a very credible source that the journalism teacher at Lakota East, Dean Hume had been bad-mouthing me, and one of the school board candidates openly to his class. Some of the kids came home and reported this and the principal at Lakota East had to be spoken to about the incident. I know some of the kids who take Hume’s class and I angrily inquired about what was going on. I received a series of emails from a parade of students and former students explaining what a great teacher Hume was and how my opinion of Hume being a Walter Lippmann activist type was incorrect. These students went on to explain the merits of how Hume had impacted their lives in so many positive ways. Two of the kids who wrote me I like quite a bit, so I let the issue go and took their word for it. Still, something didn’t seem right about their lack of critical assessment of Hume. Hume certainly crossed the line, but I was happy to leave the issue to the principal at Lakota East to deal with. After all, if I tracked down every comment made against me, I would be perpetually tracking down people and I wouldn’t get a whole lot done. So I simply filed the event away to contemplate later while I rode roller coasters.

I ride roller coasters so much in fact that when my publisher accepted the manuscript to my latest novel, they commented on how intense the action was, and wondered how I could write such a thing. I explained that much of the original manuscript had been sketched out on my hand while riding The Stunt Track at Kings Island, which I road again will thinking about the Hume story at Lakota East. There is something soothing in that catapult launch, and the run through the police cars that gets my blood boiling in a positive direction and organizes my thoughts. The faster the roller coasters, the more clear things become for me. And as for settings, strange creatures, gothic music, and smoke machines actually provide context for the metaphors they represent in the real world. My wife and I grabbed some steak fries from Rivertown and I pondered more of the perplexing quagmires percolating in my mind from the week. I think I like this time of year at Kings Island best simply because they don’t play all the pop music throughout the park. I prefer symphonic pieces most of the time as a musical choice, especially playful pieces themed around horror films.

As I stared through smoke at the dim lights and navigated through hoards of teenagers giggling and screaming within moments of each other, I thought of the most truly terrifying apparition that was behind the entire structure of everything I was concerned with. For there is a unifying factor, an aspect that tied all these individually small situations into a collective problem, and the hint to just how much influence that unifying factor is to my concerns came to me just hours before I held in my hands the steak fries that my wife and I were sharing.

A reporter called me, “Rich, not too many people like you do they?”

“No, and I like it that way,” I replied.

“You like it that way?”

“Yes, because if you are good and fair to people, yet they still don’t like you just because you are asking legitimate questions, it’s because they have something to hide. So the more people who hate me means we’re uncovering things they want to hide and their anger is the mask for which they use to hide it,” I said. “Did you call to tell me that?”

“I received a strange message from someone who didn’t leave their name or number. They were furious that I spoke to you about the school board story.”

I thought about the story that had broken earlier in the week, along with everything else mentioned. You can see the article that started the rift on the Lakota School Board at this ink:

“What else did they say,” I asked.

“They said you weren’t qualified to speak about school board matters and that we shouldn’t talk to you.”

“Well, there’s your answer, it’s one of the school board members themselves. What do you think?”

“You’re the one who gave us the flyer,” the reporter said. “If you hadn’t done that there wouldn’t be a story.”

“So because I’m not a school board member I’m not qualified to look at a flyer from a school board president and see what she’s up to, trying to stack the board in her favor, and therefore the position of the union? So because you interviewed me, they are trying to put pressure on you to not speak to me in the future. Is that how you take it?”

“Sounds that way to me,” the reporter said.

“Well, do you regret talking to me?”

“Hell, no!” the reporter said. “You are a fun guy to talk to. I just thought it was funny is all.”

I laughed. “Well, if they are pissed off, it means I’m doing something right. And before I’m done, there will be a lot more pissed off people, you can count on that. Sounds like mafia tactics to me. What do you think?”

“That’s the first thing I thought of,” the reporter added before we went into another interview for a story being prepared for another article.

What do all these stories have in common? Unions! Radical, manipulative, destructive, socialist unions paid for with our tax money to work against all us at every turn. It is because of the unions that I fully support ISSUE 2. I want to support teachers who elect to remove themselves from union membership. Because what I know about their activity is far scarier than any of the haunted houses at Kings Island or the thrill rides catapulting you into the darkness as you ride them. The teachers unions at their heart are a socialist organization created by enemies of America.

Their work is subtle and has been for years. Even many of the teachers who belong to their organization aren’t aware of the slow cooking employed upon their minds to create a radicalized soldier for progressive causes, and those teachers, because the pay is good, and the benefits are unlike anything in the private sector will swallow whole the message of their parent unions and teach those same radical methods to our children. This doesn’t happen in one school year. It happens over decades and the true intentions are disguised with careful language so not to tip-off the public as to the real aim. But it’s been going on a long, long time. For evidence, feel free to view these links in great detail.

In Ohio the NEA (NATIONAL EDUCATION ASSOCIATION) contributed $1 million to defeating Issue 2 and they are a radical organization. Look at their reading list, shown on their website. These are the books that the NEA wants the teachers you pay for to read. The NEA is the parent union to the OEA (Ohio Education Association) and specific to Lakota the OEA is the parent organization to the LEA (Lakota Education Association.) These books are listed as they appear on the NEA website.

Rules for Radicals
Saul Alinsky, Vintage Books, 1989
The classic book about organizing people, written by one of America’s foremost organizers.
Organize for Social Change

Midwest Academy Manual for Activists
Third Edition, Kim Bobo et al, Seven Locks Press, 2001
This is one of the best books about collective action and putting the screws to decision-makers. It’s about winning battles.

Building More Effective Unions
Paul Clark, Cornell University Press, 2000
Penn State Professor of Labor Studies Paul Clark applies the latest in behavioral sciences research to creating more effective unions. His insights are both astute and highly practical.

The Trajectory of Change: Activist Strategies for Social Change
Michael Albert, SouThend Press, 2002
Z Magazine’s Michael Albert has assembled a collection of thoughtful articles on ways to overcome various obstacles to social change.

Roots to Power: A Manual for Grassroots Organizing
Lee Staples, Praeger, 1984
This is a good nuts and bolts guide to organizing. It is especially good on recruiting, developing action plans, executing them, and dealing with counterattacks.

Taking Action: Working Together for Positive Change in Your Community
Elizabeth Amer, Self Counsel Press, 1992
Written by a Toronto community activist, this book is easy to read, full of examples, and sprinkled with how-to-advice.

Organizing: A Guide for Grassroots Leaders
Si Kahn, McGraw Hill, 1981, Revised 1991
This book is well organized. You can find relevant material for your situation without reading the whole book.

Ethical Ambition: Living a Life of Meaning and Worth
Derrick Bell, Bloomsbury, 2002
A gem of a book that delves into the question of “Why become an activist?” It is both thought-provoking and energizing.

Soul of a Citizen: Living with Conviction in a Cynical Time
Paul Rogat Loeb, St. Martins Press, 1999
Provides solace for the activist‘s soul and juice for the activist’s battery

And this week, the NEA announced that it was awarding a $5,000 grant to two Wisconsin teachers for helping create union activists in 1st and 2nd grade students. Have a look for yourself. Here’s a screenshot from the NEA website, before they remove it.

Source article:

What’s happening is through radical union activity and small little rewards like higher wage compensation and benefits, grants and other perks, the radical unions are nudging their teachers to embrace radical ideas camouflaged behind carefully planted smiles and a public image. School boards are constructed to maintain that façade to the public, as the direction of the school boards is then controlled by the OSBA, the Ohio School Board Association who also reads the same types of books. School board members who don’t play nicely are pushed off the board, because the aim of a school board is to achieve public consensus. The game is a very subtle one, and for people who are more interested in watching Dancing with the Stars or picking up a magazine which features Jennifer Aniston’s newest love interest, they probably will think what I’m saying is a bunch of crazy talk. In fact, many school board members and even some superintendents might think so because their thinking is so specialized and focused on a specific task that they fail to see static patterns outside of their own experience. (TO UNDERSTAND STATIC PATTERNS AND WHAT THEY MEAN TO YOU CLICK THE LINK FOR REFERENCE.)

The reason they can’t see what is right in front of their face is described in that article. That is why they get angry with me, because they are either aware of what I’m saying or they are afraid of what I’m saying and they don’t want to believe it. But what I’m saying is not wrong. The only question is how long does it take for everyone else to learn and accept it so they can change their behavior.

As I looked at all the costumes around Kings Island on the Haunt night I saw that it is the masks that the unions show us. The education institutions themselves are all wearing them and they want you to buy into the product they are selling, care and education for your children with service and smile. But what the larger organizations of union control want are teachers to pay them dues so they can use that money to inflict social change. READ THIS ARTICLE TO UNDERSTAND WHAT THEY ARE AFTER.

So it is the masks that we see when dealing with public education, and it is the masks the kids are learning to shape their minds around. The process is so subtle that it happens like a slow cooker, but the results of that stewing process are absolutely evident in the Stacy Schuler trial. I think I am more alarmed at the casual behavior and lack of morality in the kids than I am in a teacher who had sex orgies with 5 of her students while helping the Mason School System pass their tax levy in the fall of 2010.

And see video of the trial and get a hint at what dirt is still under the rug in her wake. (SHE’S NOT ALONE IN THIS)

Behind the masks of these monsters running around Kings Island are simple teenage kids just like many of the customers in the park. The only difference between the customers and the dressed up monsters is the roles they play in the experience. If everyone stripped down to just a swimming suit and put the masks away, we are all the same. It’s the roles we play which differentiate the participants.

I don’t jump or get startled when I go through a haunted house. I enjoy going through them to see what level of imagination the people who build them can come up with, but I don’t allow my mind to suspend my belief system to accept what I’m seeing. However, many students, and parents do, and they are willing participants in the masks of public education which is constructed by the radical elements of the union movement. Those organizations are intent not just to scare our society, like the monsters in a haunted house. They actually want to change society and they are using our tax money to do it.

Oh……the ride is almost over and we’re pulling back into the station. Wasn’t that fun? Do you want t ride again? Well, ride this ride as many times as you’d like. Go back to the beginning and read it again, and again and again, because as we pull into the station to end this ride for the moment we have to study what we learned. Herman Cain understands what is at work behind the scenes and he sought to exploit that hypocrisy with his new ad and I love it! Because the message does not speak to the masks we wear in society, but to the soul behind the mask who knows that everything is an illusion. When the funding structure of an education institution is in jeopardy, seemingly sane people, young and old, who have been carefully trained over many years to believe radical concepts of change implemented by an aggressive teachers union, will flock like insects to protect that funding structure. Kids will steal and vandalize signs. They’ll apologize for their teaches radical behavior, they’ll call up reporters and attempt to gain control of the media, they dress up in the scariest mask they have to frighten you along in a haunted house on a path they have established. They’ll take away busing to “nudge” parents into passing another levy, because the cost of fuel alone exceeds the cost of the tax. They’ll threaten the safety of the community; they’ll attempt to create anxiety over property values, over emergency services, over lack of college opportunities. They’ll do all this to frighten you along in a haunted house of their design.

I can see in Cain’s eye that he’s seen it all and done it all and he is not willing to suspend his beliefs to become frightened. In fact, he’s inviting the thugs, the creeps, the zombies and every political terror imaginable to attempt to scare him with that ad and I absolutely love it! Because what it does is force people to analyze their own behavior and ask the question, why do I believe what I believe. Do I really think that and if so…………..why?

As we pull into the station and you get off this ride, ask yourself, what do you believe, and why do you believe it. Do you choose to allow masked zombies to frighten you because you are bored and want the entertainment? Or do you really believe that they are the monsters they appear to be? Because when you’re ready for the truth, you can join me in line to enjoy the spectacle for the show it is, enjoy having some steak fries in the cool evening air as people relish in the festivities. But you don’t take it too serious because it’s really only a show, and when you understand that, you can then begin to consider the true value of what it costs to put on such a show. Once that happens, a level of truth can finally be explored.

So…………….what’s it gonna’ be. Want to ride again? Go ahead……………………………………………

Before we step out of this car let me share with you a video from 24 years ago just to let you know I am acquainted with what I’m talking about. My wife and I first bought a mobile home instead of doing the usual thing of renting an apartment as our first residence. The idea is we wanted to own our home, not rent it. Every year the trailer park had a huge trick or treat night on Halloween and I loved it. Several hundred kids would come to our residence so I’d set up a haunted house and make kids “earn” their candy. I’d sit in a chair in my living room and make them come and get the candy out of my lap. Under the bowl of candy I had an air hose that I shot at the kids when they took the candy. It was all in fun, except for the smart mouthed girls that I threw out of my house. Some things never change not only on my end, but on the other side as well.

I still do things like this, but it was never as fun as in that mobile home park because our homes after this period of time have always been outside of neighborhoods so I never had that many trick or treaters again. But it’s also fun to see that some things never change and that people behave the same no matter how young or old they are. If I had my wish, I’d ask that everyone in society be like the last kids in that video, where they willingly suspended their beliefs to have a little fun, but they never lose themselves in the act. And when it’s over we all go our separate ways with an appreciation of the show and don’t try and impose change on one another for the act of control. That’s where the line gets crossed and the threat of violence isn’t just in some Halloween fun, but to alter the freedoms and income we are all entitled to enjoy without tyranny.

For the answer to everything click the link below!

Rich Hoffman!/overmanwarrior

20 thoughts on “Come On a Ride: Herman Cain, Stacy Schuler, and the NEA–fear, terror and Halloween

  1. Tracy Schuler is a product of the educational system. She is a perfect example of the dumbing down of America. This teacher taught Health. That means that she taught sex ed. Just imagine what values she taught Mason students. Imagine the explicit sexual discussions she “stood in front of the class” and led. I have seen a sex curriculm that was developed and sent down to the school districts from the Department of Education and from Planned Parenthood. Vividly pornographic! I have seen the “Change Agents Manual” that describes ways for teachers to break down community values. They know how to handle any objections from the community or from religious leaders. They make fun of parents and any students who refuse to participate. One parent called me telling me that her sixth grade daughter was up in her room sobbing. She was required to draw a series of male genitalia and then write the dirtiest names she knew. The girl was humiliated with this homework and of the discussions held in her class of boys and girls. The boys were required to do the same with the female genitalia. Then the class held a discussion about the “homework.” This is a method used to break down inhabitions of young people. I suggest that people read the works of Dr. William Coulson. He has written many articles and books regarding how these methods were developed. He was part of the research and has traveled the nation apologizing for his participation in the damage caused by the sex education in our nation. Ms. Schuler’s preoccupation with her sex life obviously spilled over into her classes. From reports I have had – she is just one that got caught.


  2. I searched change agents manual and came up with all sorts of topics for DEA. Someone fill me in either via email or if you wrote about it TKR, can I get some direction?


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